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Future Memories

NON object

KASH DEBU exist to speculate scenarios that create a diacritical setting, design objects that aims to resonate in memory. We know that today’s world of constant repetition result as a passive perception. Objects surrounding us, their patterns mechanical, their presence subtle. We see them, but do we notice them? Do we remember?  Object should act as a catalyst in humans’ life, let’s give it back its true position.

Is it a bad time to talk about Design?

what we want or what they want

'Less is more' is less open your eyes

The Cube of Limits

After 50 years of minimalism, it's time for redefine the design.

Sustainability: trick or treat

Object are things not what they are seeing it is.

The True Value

craftsmanship, quality, and innovation in design.

KAsh Debu Members


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